Our services

Sale and distribution of energy

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Enterprises operating in the frame of the Green Lights group of companies provide sales and distribution services of energy on the basis of licenses, which we hold. Our offer is addressed to companies located in the premises of commercial complexes, such as shopping centers, office buildings, commercial buildings and logistic centers. Being an important player on the wholesale energy market, we are able to offer our customers extremely competitive trade conditions as well as tailored made financing, not offered by other suppliers, which results in significantly lower costs to the enterprises. Green Lights has been providing its services continuously since 2003, which allowed us to gain valuable experience in serving our customers, and in connection with the specialized knowledge of our professional  team it makes us a market leader in this segment of the market.


Repurchase of energy infrastructure

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We offer the opportunity to take over existing energy grids and finance the construction of new ones, located on the premises of offices, industrial and commercial buildings. Our activities are preceded by complex technical audit, which allows for a maximal investment optimization. As a result of taking over the grid, the previous Owner will be released from all costs connected with technical maintenance, renovations or adaptations.


Consulting on the energy market

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We provide services connected with consulting entities operating or planning to operate on the energy market, we advise on an array of issues connected with the optimization of energy purchase costs and green certificates, minimizing the costs of energy in premises. We also help with modernization and reconstruction of energy grids. What’s more, we offer services connected with consulting and representation before administrative bodies who regulate the energy market, such as URE, ARE, PSE. In the scope of outsourced activities, we obtain for our partners licenses for trade and distribution of energy, tariffs, we further conduct for them operational activities connected to their energy activities, such as billing, collection and negotiations of commercial terms.


Intelligent meters and metering systems

We offer the installation of energy meters as well as whole metering systems enabling the exact analyses of the energy consumption.  Thanks to the application embedded in our solution, our Customers receive a modern tool, which enables precise management of energy usage, resulting in the reduction of energy costs.


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We offer the owners of industrial and commercial properties a model of cooperation based on a long time BOO contract (Build-Own-Operate) for the purpose of construction of cogeneration energy source for generation of electrical and thermal energy. Green Lights does not only build but also invests and operates new energy source.

Basic benefits for end users are as follows:

- coverage of the needs of consumers in the scope of demand for energy and heat (heating and cooling), allowing to save between 10% and 30% of present costs

- transfer of risk and costs of investment and operation on the third party

- increase of the independency on the energy supply from electrical grid as well as reducing the risk of grid black-out

- reducing the level of emissions of CO2 and pollutions resulting from high efficiency  cogeneration energy generation fueled by clean gas.


IT solutions for billing

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On the basis of our experience, Green Lights developed several IT applications designed to manage large number of energy users, in terms of settling their financial accounts. Solutions provided by us allow for comprehensive service of all processes connected with conducting operational activity for selling and distribution of energy, starting from the purchase of energy, its sale, collection and finishing with the fulfillment of all obligations resulting from operating on the regulated market. The solution offered by us is available on favorable conditions, based on the form of licensing or outsourcing. Application of the above mentioned solutions enables the adaptation of our application to quickly meet the needs in rather complex situations.
